Jesus teach me to love like a child

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Growth... the good kind

Leaving Africa was so much harder than I thought it was going to be. We visited a third world village on thursday and I finally understood why God had taken me on this trip. Some missionaries we had befriended during our trip wanted us to come out and look at the community development project that they are working on. They work in a village called Grepe. Before they arrived the occupants ate one meal a day and HIV was running rampant due to the local brothel. We arrived and most of the men were in a drunk stupor because alcohol is cheap and they cannot find jobs so what else should they occupy their time with. We were walking through this village looking at a school that housed 265 kids when really a hundred kids was its capacity. A herd... and I mean herd of kids followed our team. The ages spanned from 1 to 12 or so. And they were fascinated with our hair. From time to time you would feel a quick hand sneak up to touch the very fascinating discovery. It made me giggle. As we walked through the town I was overwhelmed with the level of poverty we were seeing. I was beginning to understand why the boys we worked with had to leave their homes and find a life on the streets. Then I saw this little girl on the fringe of the group of kids. She was not running and playing with the others. She was leaning against the house and eating some sort of plant. I felt a check in my heart and turned around to go to her. As I got closer I could tell she was very sick. Her whole body was covered in soars and her eyes did not look right. I was still sick and for a second thought no I will leave her here. Then I asked God to protect me... I did not care what that girl had I knew I needed to hug her. I asked her name... Anna Banda she said. She was 5. I asked if she wanted to walk with me and she latched onto my hand and never let go. My heart broke. I started sobbing in the middle of this village. For the first time since I had stepped on African soil I felt my heart soar as God intended it to. I realized there is a reason I am never passionate about the USA. Because I was made to reach those who do not feel loved, I was created to find the lost and show them that Jesus is there... Always. This little girl left an imprint on my heart that will never leave. And I will never  forget those little hands clasped onto mine as I hugged her. She smiled once... and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. My heart split and I realized Jesus loves you... really loves you. I was not just saying out of habit this time, for the first time in my life I was getting a glimpse of my fathers heart and it will dictate the direction in which my life goes from this day on. Anna Banda has sickle cell and has less than 6 months to live. I will probably never see that girl in heaven but I pray that God tells her what she has done for me.

The Boys
We said goodbye to the boys on Friday. Man that just sucked. There was no other word to describe. Well, there is but its not appropriate for posting on a public blog :) One of the older boys Benny G that I had really connected with walked up to me and said Kate you promised not to cry. He wiped the tears off my face and then we both lost it. I think he and I sat there for the longest hug of the century. It was so hard. Captain Jack got up to tell us goodbye and couldnt finish what he wanted to say because the tears came. I got on the bus after we left put on my sunglasses and ipod and asked God to show me how to depend on him. Because I do not want to run from pain... but it hurt to watch those boys waving as we drove off. I do not know if I will ever make it back to that place but I pray that one day God will let me. One day. But if I do not I know that my international adventures are only just beginning. I have a heart for those kids. And jesus knew it all along.

London was gorgeous. Big Ben has been my favorite site of all so far. I learned something last night. The longer I walk with the Lord more I see. Its exhilirating and hard. We were in downtown London, where all the clubs are. The active part of London late at night. There were moments where I had to tell myself to stop looking because of the lack of clothing on most of the people around me. I forgot what our culture is like. And then I remembered how consumed with this world i used to be. I was struggling last night, there were clubs, and charming guys, and the whole lifestyle I gave up. I could feel myself slipping. And as I was walking down the street, Job 31:1 popped into my head. I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look upon anyone with lust. My eyes were opened and the scripture I have been memorizing the last month flooded into my head consuming every thought. I shut up and realized wow god this is what this is like. I started singing and quickly put my Ipod in my ears. Walking through the red district of London singing Hillsong and feeling at peace with God. I never imagined in my life I would do that... Ever. As I walked the glitz and glamour disappeared and I felt nothing but freedom. I thanked God for reminding me how easy it is to slip back into that life. Its not hard... thats what makes walking in truth so hard. But I was soaring on eagles wings last night. I was so thankful for everything God has taken me through and from. Because my life... is his. The End

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